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1 Obdicut  Tue, May 3, 2011 9:29:31am

Absolute fucking disaster.

Oh god I hope people wake up to this.

Or our children are going to starve.

2 aagcobb  Tue, May 3, 2011 9:29:52am

Who cares? By 2100, I’ll be long dead./

3 elizajane  Tue, May 3, 2011 9:48:16am

re: #1 Obdicut

Absolute fucking disaster.

Oh god I hope people wake up to this.

Or our children are going to starve.

It won’t be our children actually starving. It will be children in already vulnerable places: sub-Saharan Africa. South Asia. Places that are completely susceptible to small climate shifts, or depend on glacier water, or where populations are concentrated in low coastal areas. Our children will be confronted with their culture’s responsibility for far-away disasters, and for helping the victims. Will they be up to that? Or will they keep denying it’s their fault, and spend their time worrying about relatively trivial issues at home? Will they be generous, or completely selfish, more worried about the price of gas here than mass starvation there?

In other words, will our children be more decent human beings than their parents?
Not, I fear, if the Right keeps dragging our culture in their direction.

4 dragonfire1981  Tue, May 3, 2011 10:12:54am

No need to worry folks, God has it under control.

5 Interesting Times  Tue, May 3, 2011 10:19:11am

re: #3 elizajane

It won’t be our children actually starving.

Oh yes it will.

Where’s our food and water going to come from, if even half that worse-case scenario comes true?

6 Political Atheist  Tue, May 3, 2011 10:44:21am

re: #1 Obdicut

Global warming will do more to correct us than we will do to correct ourselves, I’m afraid.

7 lostlakehiker  Tue, May 3, 2011 5:49:17pm

re: #5 publicityStunted

Oh yes it will.

Where’s our food and water going to come from, if even half that worse-case scenario comes true?

India and Northern China. Those are the only two breadbaskets left standing.

Oh, wait. They have their own people to feed. Hmm.

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